This is the fourth episode in the IT Security Series. Check out the rest of the series: Buzzkill E12 – What is security? Buzzkill E13 – PERSEC with Liam Cleary Buzzkill E14 – Identity Management with Stephanie Donahue Buzzkill E15 – Intersection of Privacy & Security with Dana Simberkoff [ THIS EPISODE ] This episode, we had… Continue Reading →
This Week in Teams – April 10, 2020
This week, we discuss Zoom’s privacy and security issues, Microsoft’s recently announced security posture, Microsoft Teams’s extreme growth, and the importance of understand how various O365 tools affect Teams (Exchange and calendars, SharePoint and Onedrive with files, etc). A couple customer stories about Exchange on premises and Teams chat data retention round out our inaugural episode.
SCOTUS Pirvacy and Sales Tax, the EU and Memes, Project Debater AI takes on Humanity
In today’s On the SPOT News Brief, Jay Leask and Craig Jahnke review some recent SCOTUS decisions, dabble in politics, and discuss the probability of the Machine’s taking over the world through civil debate and mind control.
Today’s source material, and a few others mentioned in passing, are found below:
SCOTUS says your privacy data is yours – go get a warrant —
SCOTUS says it’s a State’s right to tax your internet purchase —
EU Article 13 wants to block your meme – or something like that —
The GitHub 100 say “It’s us or ICE” —
IBM’s Project Debater AI changes your mind – and here come the machines —
Microsoft aquires FlipGrid —
Microsoft publishes open research data sets
Private Microsoft Teams in Office 365 to become NOT so Private
This showed up in our inbox today for our Office 365 Tenant: Organization: ON THE SPOT We’re making it easier to share and join private teams in Microsoft Teams Major update: General Availability rollout started Applied to: All customers Starting March 23, 2018, private teams will be searchable in Microsoft Teams. This feature update will… Continue Reading →