SCOTUS Pirvacy and Sales Tax, the EU and Memes, Project Debater AI takes on Humanity

In today’s On the SPOT News Brief, Jay Leask and Craig Jahnke  review some recent SCOTUS decisions, dabble in politics, and discuss the probability of the Machine’s taking over the world through civil debate and mind control. 

Today’s source material, and a few others mentioned in passing, are found below:

SCOTUS says your privacy data is yours – go get a warrant —
SCOTUS says it’s a State’s right to tax your internet purchase —
EU Article 13 wants to block your meme – or something like that —
The GitHub 100 say “It’s us or ICE” —
IBM’s Project Debater AI changes your mind – and here come the machines —
Microsoft aquires FlipGrid —
Microsoft publishes open research data sets

SharePoint Conference, WWDC, Underwater Data Centers, Project Maven, and GDPR

In today’s On the SPOT News Brief, Jay Leask and Craig Jahnke  catch up after a multi-month hiatus with Jay’s move, and newborn son, and Craig’s new job and summer plans. And they discuss their goals for the podcast and how hard it can be to find the motivation to record, edit, and release this. So thank you for putting up with us as we try to rebuild our cadence!

In technology they discuss news out of the SharePoint conference, GitHub, a sunken data center, Project Maven, WWDC, GDPR and those pesky privacy policies. They also put out a call for someone to help them understand what Apple has been doing for the past 5+ years – I mean, really, what’s iNew?

Community Edition with Liam Cleary, MVP, at SPTechCon

During this episode, recorded November 2017, Jay sat down with Liam Cleary, MVP and Associate Director at Protiviti, to discuss cognitive services, the speed of technology (no pun intended), and the rise of the machines. We also discuss Liam’s path to the IT Consultant known for [REDACTED] (I kid, ask him about personal security at conferences, it’s fun), and the importance of giving back to the community that helped you get where you are.

Data Discovery and Assessment, Pilot and Execution, Your Path to a Successful Cloud Migration

today’s On the SPOT News Brief, Jay Leask and Craig Jahnke continue the Cloud Series with a focus on a four phase migration process: Discovery, Assessment, Pilot, and Execution. They even touch on the importance of user acceptance testing and automated governance to support end-user buy-in. Throughout each of these phases, Jay and Craig provide real-world customer examples which showcase the importance for each phase.

The importance of a Cloud Readiness Assessment

Recorded March 3, 2018, Jay Leask and Craig Jahnke continue the Cloud Series by diving into the importance of a proper readiness assessment when considering a move to the cloud. Primary categories of discussion included cloud viability for business and legacy applications, up-front and hidden costs, brand and type of cloud (such as brands, private vs multi-tenant, and data segregation options), governance, and migration preparedness.

Introduction to Security and Compliance in the Cloud Series

In today’s On the SPOT News Brief, Jay Leask and Craig Jahnke introduce a new series of upcoming episodes around Security and Compliance in the Cloud. We know the cloud offers the combined resources and finances of hundreds of thousands of organizations, but why does that give it a chance to be more secure than your on premises infrastructure? And what considerations do you need to keep in mind when you plan your move? In the coming weeks we will dig into each of the topics discussed today.

Microsoft Delve and Azure, AWS, Amazon AI, Apple Root, and Child-Proofing the IoT

Recorded November 30, 2017, Jay Leask and Craig Jahnke journey from Microsoft’s announcement that Delve is Dead (or at least the functionality is going to be integrated elsewhere) to Amazon’s AI consulting program, from Apple’s “I am Root” issue to IoT child-proofing, until we end presenting a perspective on all the Net Neutrality “hype” that neither of us really agree with.

Thanksgiving, Microsoft Teams, and Net Neutrality

In today’s On the SPOT News Brief, Jay Leask and Craig Jahnke discuss Thanksgiving, SharePoint Saturday Chicago and MIcrosoft Teams, but mostly this is an introductory discussion on Net Neutrality and how the FCC’s recent announcement will effect your life.

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